Ready to meet your higher self? Welcome back... to you.

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A field guide to meaning & transformation.


Designed for women like you, navigating the complexities of midlife.

Consider this an invitation.... shed the layers of expectation, societal pressures, and people pleasing that have defined earlier chapters of your life, so you can become the woman you were always meant to be in your next one. Back to Me will help you reconnect with who you truly are, unlock your full potential, align with your deepest values, and achieve your dreams with purpose and clarity.

Yes, I want in!

Ready to meet your higher self? Welcome back... to you. 


Hey, I'm Natasha! When I had my only child at 46, something unexpected happened. I was overcome with an irrepressible desire for my son to know me—the real me—just exactly as I am.

This would require un-becoming everything I was not and fully leaning into my authenticity. I embarked on a five year journey to rediscover the parts of me that had been socialized away, that had been buried by my need to people-please, that had not survived the perceived glare of others' judgement.

What I learned was profound. When I finally embraced the truth of who I am, doors began to open, the right doors. I reached new levels of meaning in all areas of my life—business, health, relationships, parenting, and more—because I was finally listening to my heart and heeding her guidance.

Back to Me translates my journey of rediscovering myself at midlife—and quantum leaping my purpose and fulfillment—into a pathway you can follow to do the same. And then it hands you a map: to your most authentic and actualized chapter yet


The Back to Me secret? It all starts with you. Success in every arena begins with self awareness. Tap into your own wellspring of wisdom, heed your heart's callings, and you will manifest a life of alignment and authenticity beyond your wildest dreams.


Enroll in the Back To Me BETA

This is for you if...

You Yearn For
A More
Authentic Life

But you're not sure how to get there.

You Want More
& Purpose

But your inner fire needs reignited.

You're Ready to
Quantum Leap Your Impact

But you need help getting traction.

You Crave
Transformative Personal Growth

But you feel stuck where you are.

Take Advantage of this Limited Time Discount on Back to Me and Receive.... 


EXCLUSIVE DISCOUNT PRICING: Pay just 50% of the regular course price!

LIFETIME ACCESS: Access to Back to Me for the lifetime of the course. Complete the six-module program at your own speed. You'll never lose access as long as the course exists.

COMMUNITY SUPPORT: A warm welcome into our private student community, your intimate cohort of other women also completing Back to Me, for friendship, accountability, and camaraderie.

GROUP COACHING & EVENTS: Opportunities to join group growth circles and attend special guest events inside the Back to Me community.

I'm Ready!

"You have to participate relentlessly in the manifestation of your own blessings."



The Back to Me

What You Can Expect


★ To deepen your connection with your authentic self

★ To align your goals and aspirations with your true essence

★ To unlock the door to holistic success in every area of your life 

★ To achieve tangible results in your relationships, career, family, and more

★ To design a life that reflects your deepest values and aspirations

★ To experience transformational growth and fulfillment

★ To join a supportive community of like-minded women on a similar journey

Six Steps to 


Prepare your internal ground for change, growth, and renewal, by focusing on making a plan for your physical, emotional, and spiritual wellbeing during the Back to Me journey and beyond.

Wellbeing: The Root System of Change

Your Personalized Wellbeing Plan

The Wellbeing Pledge 


Delve into your past experience, peel back the layers, examine the tree rings, and rediscover the most impactful moments in your life to date. What can you learn, what can you reframe, what can you burn down?

Dendrochronology: Your Tree RINGs

Old Patterns; New Perspectives

Learning & Burning


Welcome the empowerment of reclamation: shedding what has anchored you to old constructs, so you can reframe how you experience the present, and craft a new vision of a more authentic and actualized future.

The Present Me

The Future Me

The First Right Step


Fan the fires within, uncovering hidden passions and desires, stoking the flames of purpose, and cementing your sense of direction as you bravely embark toward a more honest and fulfilling incarnation.

Finding Your Light

Fueling Your Fire

Keeping it Burning


Buoyed by your unique gifts, strengths, and passions, you'll cultivate resilience as you navigate new challenges, forging a stronger, more empowered self, capable of facing life's twists and turns with grace.

Confronting Resistance

Holding Steady in the Storms

Tools for Ongoing Transformation


Bask in the radiant glow of your true self, exploring tools and techniques to keep her vital and thriving, and preparing to release her into the world to boldly and beautifully shine her light.

Your True Self Manifesto

The Bravest Thing

Includes some super special surprise bonuses. ;-)

Sign Me Up

Pay in Full


Pay today by credit card

  • Six self-paced Back to Me course modules, plus a surprise bonus module
  • Entrance to the Back to Me student community.
  • Access to all the Back to Me materials, lessons, videos, and downloads for the lifetime of the course.
Enroll Now

Payment Plan


Pay in four monthly installments

  • Six self-paced Back to Me course modules, plus a surprise bonus module
  • Entrance to the Back to Me student community.
  • Access to all the Back to Me materials, lessons, videos, and downloads for the lifetime of the course.
Enroll Now

About Your Guide


I'm a strategic storyteller, change maker, and midlife mama.

For more than 20 years, I've helped purpose-driven organizations tell their stories, advance their missions, and change the world. But when my own world was forever changed by the arrival of my only child when I was 46, I pivoted.

I now leverage my two decades of experience in organizational change, along with my personal journey navigating monumental life transitions, to help purposeful women make transformational change in their lives, communities, and the world. 

I have witnessed, both personally and in the lives of my individual and organizational clients, that once you begin living in alignment with your deepest truths and values, everything changes. New doors open. New opportunities arise. A new future begins to unfold.

I know that Back to Me will change your life too. I can't wait to help you envision and implement your new future: one that is more true and more you than ever before. 


Join Me in Back To Me

"Back to Me is the most personally meaningful thing I have ever created.It is an invitation to reconnect with who you truly are, to experience—as I have—the immense joy and relief of honoring your authentic self at last."




I'm so ready. Let's Do This.


If you have specific questions about the Back to Me course, the VIP Cohort, or if you would like help determining if this is a good fit for you, please don't hesitate to reach out by email: [email protected]

Money-back Guarantee

I want you to be satisfied with any purchase you make from me. If, at the end of this program, you have completed the lessons and activities and you are unhappy with your experience, let me know and I will provide a 100% refund. Note that the course content must be complete in order for your refund to be processed.